While it's rated M and has numerous warnings before you start, a lot of the events that occur can still catch you off-guard.

I wonder if the request to change it was perhaps due to the game's "surprise" nature. While I know a lot of the discussion about this particular alteration seems to be "Sony wouldn't ask ND to do this in something like TLOU".

DDLC if you haven't been tracking and don't care about spoilers at this point is a psychological horror VN that incorporates some heavy themes and events (as seen above). Between all the different platforms, only PS seemed to have concerns over the content in DDLC. However, I wanted to bring it up as I feel the conversation could make for an interesting one. If I was in the same boat that all I needed to do was alter one scene for release on a platform, I would totally do it.

To start things off, as Team Salvato stated I don't think the change is a big deal per see but it does seem odd.